
Brand Introduction
Brand Introduction

BASISTEM is a system integrator and production specialist of high-end, whole-home storage solutions that, through involvement in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service, focuses on bringing a better home lifestyle to our customers. In order to provide full-home layout plans and storage solutions to upscale households, our products include high-end, whole-home storage solutions, high-end storage hardware and innovative, high-end storage components.

BASISTEM has cultivated widespread acclaim in the Asia-Pacific market and has full-scale strategic partnerships and cooperation, sharing R&D and market knowledge, with top home and furniture brands in the region, thus providing our users with complete home storage solutions.

Operation Center Introduction

BASISTEM is situated in Shunde, Guangdong, at the heart of the Guangdong—Hong Kong—Macau Greater Bay Area, one of the world’s four great bay regions. This is the world’s most important manufacturing center, gathering all types of industries, providing access to the finest raw materials and finished components, and attracting global investment, brands and talent. Transportation in the region is extremely convenient, with four major international metropolises, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macau and Guangzhou less than a 90-minute drive away. Our operating center has beautiful surroundings, complete facilities and a strong atmosphere of innovation.

Optimal Geographic Location | Best Office Environment | Most Innovative Atmosphere | Best Brand Advantage | Brightest Future Opportunities

工业设计师 2
工业设计师 佛山



1. 根据产品立项要求,能够准确把握研发方向,独立完成ID设计,配合结构工程师共同完成落地方案;

2. 独立进行前期CMF新材料、新工艺的开发,确定产品的实施工艺,对新材料、新工艺进行评估并完成CMF生产工艺指导;

3. 负责手板模型制作、模具制作、试产以及量产阶段的跟踪,保证项目节点实施效率,能够妥善解决量产过程出现的设计问题;

4. 配合完成产品包装方案的设计和落地,配合测试并完成包装营销方案的实施。


1. 20一35岁,大专以上学历,工业设计专业本科(或以上)学历;

2. 熟练使用CAD、Photoshop、3Dmax、MAYA、Sketch、CDR、Show Case、三维家、犀牛等软件;

3. 熟练草图设计、2D草图设计、3D建模和3D渲染等

4. 具有一年以上工业设计相关行业经验,有衣柜、家居产品等设计经验者优先;

5. 熟悉家居产品制造工艺,能独立完成完整的效果图、结构图的绘制;

6. 良好的草绘功底和设计表现能力,把把握产品的形态、外形与结构,对空间结构、色彩敏感;

7. 有丰富的想象力和创造力,有空间感,有强烈的事业心与责任感、团队合作精神;

8. 良好的沟通表达能力和团队协作能力,并具备较强的创新能力和学习能力。
